  • Oluwatobi House, 5th Floor, Front Wing
    73 Allen Avenue Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
  • info@mitiget.com



In this course, you’ll be expose to records management standards for
handling and digitising documents. You’ll learn success secrets for a
successful document management project and implement paperless
culture and effective governance for records.

Get Ahead With Your Career

We provide hands-on and Project-based training with internship


Most frequent questions and answers

Regulators, Archivists, Heads of Security/IT, CIO, CTO, Heads of
business Units, IT Internal Audit, Operations team, Librarians, etc.

  • Fundamental understanding of ISO 30301 and comprehensive knowledge of implementation principles.
  • Five years professional experience with a minimum of two years of work experience in Records Management.

In this course you will learn to:

  • Understand the correlation between ISO 30301 and other standards and regulatory frameworks
  • Master the concepts, approaches, methods and techniques used for the implementation and effective management of MSR
  • Learn how to interpret the ISO 30301 requirements in the specific context of an organization
  • Develop expertise to support an organization to effectively plan, implement, manage, monitor, and maintain MSR
  1. Fundamental principles and concepts of a Management System for Records (MSR)
  2. Management System for Records (MSR)
  3. Planning a MSR implementation based on ISO 30301
  4. Implementing a MSR based on ISO 30301
  5. Performance evaluation, monitoring and measurement of MSR
  6. Continual improvement of MSR
  7. Preparing for a MSR certification audit

Duration: 3 days

Cost: N200,000


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